Read results of Quick Intel Scan - Discord
The Quick Intel Discord Bot provides a great amount of security information about a given token/contract. Let's dig into the results.
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The Quick Intel Discord Bot provides a great amount of security information about a given token/contract. Let's dig into the results.
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There are 4 core sections in the results of the scan, which we will dive into.
In this section, it'll return the results if it is detected as a honeypot, if it doesn't seem like a honeypot, or if there are warnings you should be aware of and investigate further. Note: We can not guarantee any results are 100% safe or not. We analyze and provide the data to help you make a decision, but is ultimately your decision and Quick Intel Tools should not be used for financial advice. When there is an alert for "POTENTIAL HIDDEN RUG/SCAM" Alert, this is to let you know there has been code detected linked to previous scams or rugs and you should assess the contract for malicious code.
In the Advanced Scans Group, the Quick Intel Bot will also let you know what piece of code is causing the alert to help you pinpoint exactly what to look for. (The advanced scan group is available to Basic+ Tier and above.)
Here you will get all the information about the token. Quick Intel Scan will return the following information where available on that token scanned.
Buy and Sell tax
Locked LP on supported LP Lockers
Max Transaction and Max Wallet
Total Supply
Burned Supply
Circulating Supply if it is different from total supply
Creator of the contract
Owner of the contract
If the token contract is renounced
If the token contract is verified
Age of the contract
Embedded contract links (Basic+ Tier feature)
Top 5 holders' wallet distribution
In this section, if there is market data on the token, it will display this information below.
Token LP Pairing
Liquidity in USD
Market Cap in USD
Age of the Liquidity Pair
In this section are the results of the Quick Intel Audit, which checks the contract for the below.
Hidden Owner
Can Mint
Can Burn
Can Blacklist
Can Whitelist
Can Update Taxes/Fees
Can Update Max Wallet
Can Update Max Transaction
Can Pause Trading
If Trading Cooldown is available
Can change fee wallets