/honeypot (by Dex & LP)
Quick Intel Security API /honeypot/{dex}/{token}/{lptoken} returns the honeypot and taxes information for a given dex + contract + LP token.
Last updated
Quick Intel Security API /honeypot/{dex}/{token}/{lptoken} returns the honeypot and taxes information for a given dex + contract + LP token.
Last updated
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Official API Documentation: https://developer.quickintel.io/apis
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Returns the honeypot/taxes information for a given dex + contract + LP token.
The ID of the dex where the liquidity resides. For a list of supported dexes and their IDs, please visit https://docs.quickintel.io/developers/api-supported-chains
The contract address of the token to be audited.
The liquidity pairing address for the token (or use default).
Successful request and response.
Indicates if the contract is a honeypot.
Returns the current buy tax.
Returns the current sell tax.
Returns the current transfer tax.
Indicates if the contract has a trading cooldown between buy and sell transactions for wallets.
Returns the sell tax in the case the contract has a trading cooldown.
Returns the gas used for the buy.
Returns the gas used for the sell.
The maximum tokens allowed in a single transaction.
The maximum percentage of tokens allowed in a single transaction.
The maximum tokens a single wallet is allowed to move in a single transaction.
The maximum tokens a single wallet is allowed to contain.
The maximum percentage of tokens a single wallet is allowed to contain.
The name of the contract
"Sample Token"
The symbol of the contract/token.
The number of decimal places the contract uses.
The current token owner's address.
The total token supply.
The amount of supply that has been burned.
The token symbol of the LP
The liquidity pairing address for the token. Note that depending on which endpoint you use, you will receive either the first LP found or a list of all LPs.
The liquidity pairing supply for the token.
The percent of the LP that is burned.
Returns an array of all dexes on this chain along with any LP locks that were found, including the locker, amount, dates and percentage. For a list of supported dexes and their IDs, please visit https://docs.quickintel.io/developers/api-supported-chains
Returns the price impact of the transaction.
Indicates if there was a problem with the test buy/sell.
Lists the description of the issue if problem = true.
"Liquidity low or problem with the purchase!"