Quick Intel Security API /getsimilarexact/{chain}/{tokenAddress} returns the similar/exact contracts for a given token across all the chains supported by Quick Intel.
Last updated
Quick Intel Security API /getsimilarexact/{chain}/{tokenAddress} returns the similar/exact contracts for a given token across all the chains supported by Quick Intel.
Last updated
For the most up-to-date API info, please use these links...
Official API Documentation: https://developer.quickintel.io/apis
API Subscription Information: https://developer.quickintel.io/products
API Authentication information can be found here: API Authentication
Returns the similar/exact contracts for a given token across all the chains supported by Quick Intel.
The ID of the chain where the contract resides. For a list of supported chains and their IDs, please visit https://docs.quickintel.io/developers/api-supported-chains
The contract address to be searched against.
Successful request and response.
Returns basic searched token information.
Returns an array of the similar contracts found.
Returns an array of the exact contracts found.
If no results found, and contract is unique
"There were no similar or exact contracts matched. This contract is unique."