Quick Intel Audit - Results
The Quick Intel API full audit endpoint returns a lot of information. If you don't need all of that information, the Quick Audit endpoint may be exactly what you are after.
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The Quick Intel API full audit endpoint returns a lot of information. If you don't need all of that information, the Quick Audit endpoint may be exactly what you are after.
Last updated
Let's walk through the results of the Quick Intel Audit to ensure you have an understanding of how to read the data.
The Audit result has 3 key sections.
Token Details - Will return token information along with the token owner if there is one.
Contract Verified - This will state if the contract is verified.
Quick Intel Audit - This section outlines all of the audited results.
Most items in the Quick Intel Audit are self-explanatory, but let's dive into a few areas to ensure a clear understanding.
Let's look at the items "can_Blacklist" and "cant_Blacklist_Renounced".
Although they sound similar, they serve different purposes.
"can_Blacklist" means the ability to perform this action is there.
"cant_Blacklist_Renounced" means that IF/WHEN the contract is renounced, they can no longer run the above action. If this were false, while the "can_Blacklist" was true, that would mean that IF/WHEN the contract gets renounced, the ability to perform this action is still there EVEN if it is renounced.
Suspicious Functions refer to actions within the contract that may not be "normal". This does not constitute any action to be good or bad but is advised to review.
External Functions are actions that can be run EVEN when the contract has been renounced.
Audit Functions are functions related to the modification of taxes
Scam Functions are known scams that are tracked by Quick Intel. This will return the matched scam, along with the scam data, when there is a match.
Contract Links are links that have been embedded within the smart contract.
Functions is the list of WRITE functions that are available.
Only Owner Functions is the list of functions that are controlled via the "onlyOwner" modifier.
Multi-Blacklist Functions are potential actions that can be used to multi-blacklist wallets.