Quick Intel Security API /getquickiaudit provides the full audit (no honeypot/taxes) for easy integration into your app.
Last updated
Quick Intel Security API /getquickiaudit provides the full audit (no honeypot/taxes) for easy integration into your app.
Last updated
For the most up-to-date API info, please use these links...
Official API Documentation: https://developer.quickintel.io/apis
API Subscription Information: https://developer.quickintel.io/products
API Authentication information can be found here: API Authentication
Returns the full audit of a contract in a single request. If you wish to use the audit plus honeypot check in one, please use the /getquickiauditfull endpoint instead.
The ID of the chain where the contract resides. For a list of supported chains and their IDs, please visit https://docs.quickintel.io/developers/api-supported-chains
The contract address to be audited.
Successful request and response.
Returns basic token information.
Indicates if the contract is was manually confirmed as scam by thte Quick Intel team.
Indicates if the contract is verified.
Returns various Quick Intel audit information for the contract.