Supported Chains and DEX
This page will list the supported chains and DEXs, along with integrations for those wishing to link back to Quick Intel. NOTE: We are constantly adding/changing support for new chains and DEXs and all data is subject to change.
Blockchain | ID | DEXs/Honeypot Check ID |
Ethereum | eth | Uniswap V2 / uniswap2 Uniswap V3 / uniswap3 ShibaSwap / sushiswapeth |
Arbitrum | arbitrum | SushiSwap / sushiswaparb Camelot / camelotarb TraderJoeV1 / traderjoev1arb OreoSwap / oreoswaparb |
Binance Smart Chain | bsc | PancakeSwap / pancakeswap |
Polygon | polygon | QuickSwap /quickswappolygon |
Fantom | fantom | SpookySwap / spookyswapfantom |
Avalanche | avalanche | TraderJoeV1 / traderjoeavalanche Pangolin / pangolinavalanche |
Core DAO | core | ArcherSwap / archerswapcore ShadowSwap / shadowswapcore IceCreamSwap / icecreamswapcore LFGSwap / lfgswapcore |
zkSync | zksync | Mute / mutezksync |
PolygonZkEVM | polygonzkevm | LeetSwap / leetswapzkevm |
Loop | loop | Sphynx / sphynxloop ZukeSwap / zukeswaploop |
Kava | kava | Equilibre / equilibrekava SurfSwap / surfswapkava |
Metis | metis | Tethys / tethysmetis |
Astar | astar | ArthSwap / arthswapastar ZenLink / zenlinkastar |
Oasis | oasis | YuzaSwap / yuzaswapoasis |
IoTeX | iotex | Mimo / mimoiotex |
Conflux | conflux | Swappi / swappiconflux |
Canto | canto | LeetSwap / leetswapcanto |
Energi | energi | EnergiSwap / energiswapenergi |
Velas | velas | WagyuSwap / wagyuswapvelas |
Grove | grove | GroveSwap / groveswapgrove |
Pulse Chain | pulse | PulseX / pulsexpulse |
BESC | besc | BeanSwap / beanswapbesc |
Linea | linea | LeetSwap / leetswaplinea HorizonDex / horizondexlinea |
Base | base | LeetSwap / leetswapbase RocketSwap / rocketswapbase CBSwap / cbswapbase |
Shibarium | shibarium | DogSwap / dogswapshibarium MarSwap / marswapshibarium LeetSwap / leetswapshibarium |
opBNB | opbnb | CubiSwap / cubiswapopbnb BinarySwap / binaryswapopbnb LuigiSwap / luigiswapopbnb |
Bitrock | bitrock | RockSwap / rockswapbitrock |
Optimism | optimism | Uniswap V3 / uniswapv3optimism |
Mantle | mantle | Agni /agnimantle iZiSwap / iziswapmantle |
LightLink | lightlink | Elektrik / elektriklightlink |
Klaytn | klaytn | KlaySwap / klayswapklaytn |
Solana | solana | |
Injective | injective | |
Radix | radix | |
Sui | sui | |
Manta Pacific | manta | |
ZetaChain | zeta | ZedaSwap / zedaswapzeta MochaSwap / mochaswapzeta |
*To add chains or DEXs, or for general support please reach out to the Quick Intel team in the Contact section.
With Quick Intel, we provided shareable links that can be shared with other users for ease of accessibility or direct link integrations. Below is an example of the format that should be followed to a direct link for scanning a token or an NFT. There are 3 parameters that the custom link should have. - Type - Chain - Contract Address For "type" the available options are: - token - nft For "chain" the available options can be found in the Chains ID section above For "contractAddress" this will be the contract address of the token or NFT collection to be scanned.
LP Lock Providers
Quick Intel supports the below LP lock providers for detection.
Team Finance
IceCream Swap
If there is a trusted and vetted LP Lock provider that you would like the Quick Intel team to support, please reach out to the team. *LP Burned currently only supports Uniswap V2 token based LP detectcions. We do not currently detect V3 LP Burns at the moment.
Last updated