Honeypot/Tax Check - Results

Honeypot/Tax Check Results

Let's walk through the results of the Honeypot/Tax Check to ensure you have an understanding of how to read the data.

The Honeypot/Tax Check result has 5 key sections.

  1. Honeypot and Tax - This first section outlines if the token is a honeypot, what the buy/sell/transfer tax is, and the gas cost based on a simulation that is done.

  2. Max - This section will outline the max transactions and max wallet if present.

  3. Token Information - This section outlines the basic token information.

  4. Token and LP Supply - This section returns the token supply, the token supply amount that is burned, the liquidity pair supply as well as the liquidity pair supply burned.

  5. LP Lock - The final section outlines the liquidity pair lock information is detected.

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